

Update 7th September 2021
We hope that all members, friends and their families are well.
We are nearly back to normal; two things are different from where we were pre-pandemic:
1. We are using our usual changing room, Changing Room 4 at Pomphrey Hill Pavilion, but only on a minimal basis. Whilst we would previously gather in the changing room pre-run, it is small and poorly ventilated so we’ll gather outside until we can be confident that the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is minimal. But the WC in the changing room is available and you can also store stuff here, locked away securely, whilst we are out on the run.
2. Sessions are booked in advance via Eventbrite. Although there is no capacity on our sessions, advance booking allows us to keep attendance records and communicate with attendees readily. You can book on up to 30 minutes prior to a session. 
Please do not turn up to one of our sessions if:
  • You have been diagnosed with having COVID-19
  • You have symptoms of COVID-19
  • You are been told to self-isolate
If you attend one of our sessions and subsequently get diagnosed with having COVID-19, please let us know; we’ll communicate to those who ran in the same session as you, without mentioning your name, so they can look out for symptoms developing in themselves.
Note that we actively encourage members to meet up with others to run outside of club sessions, within COVID-19 restrictions, and our TeamEGRC Facebook page is a great place to buddy-up with fellow members. 
Book into our sessions here: Emersons Green Running club Events | Eventbrite
Ok, you are armed and ready to run with us. We are primed and ready for you. 

A copy of our COVID-19 Risk Assessment for your reference.