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U&CR – Loop

Pomphrey Hill Pomphrey Hill Pavilion, Emersons Green, Bristol, United Kingdom

Kingswood Hills

Pomphrey Hill Pomphrey Hill Pavilion, Emersons Green, Bristol, United Kingdom

Our version of Kenyan Hills, plenty of ups and plenty of downs. Hill running of all types develops the strength in your leg muscles and tendons without putting them under the type of stress they are exposed to during fast interval running. Fast runners will "sheepdog" at regular intervals meaning no-one gets left behind. Distance: […]

U&CR – Friendly Mile or O&B

Pomphrey Hill Pomphrey Hill Pavilion, Emersons Green, Bristol, United Kingdom

Event Navigation « This was the First Mile Next Mile » 01  Andy Bush 06:18 26  Mandy King 09:23 02  Scott Thomas 06:45 27  Wendy Gwinneth 09:25 03  Sorrell Mills-Moore 07:15 28  Kelly Hughes 09:28 04  Matt Bessell 07.17 29  Lucy Freeman 09:33 05  Mike Brown 07:18 30  Kelly Stephens 09:37 06  Samantha-Marie Barrett 07:23 […]

Fartlek (Cycle Path)

Pomphrey Hill Pomphrey Hill Pavilion, Emersons Green, Bristol, United Kingdom

Fartlek, which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training. Fartlek runs are a very simple form of a long distance run. Fartlek training “is simply defined as periods of fast running intermixed with periods of slower running. Our Fartlek will be on the Bristol-Bath Cycle Path. […]